Economic Legislations and Public Finance Department

Mission and Vision

• Providing the student with the required skills and knowledge in different aspects of internal and external economy
• Meeting the requirements of the labor market
• Qualifying students for scientific research in accordance with sound scientific methodology
• Qualifying students to continue postgraduate studies in various legal disciplines
• Enhancing and supporting the professional and practical sides of the theoretical legal sciences
• Providing students with the ideal values that a jurist should possess during his professional performance

• Preparing the student to be familiar with political economy, money, banking, foreign trade, economic legislations, public financial, and tax legislation.
• Preparing graduates with highly qualified skills and training characteristics to be able to compete in the field of legal work and to provide innovative solutions to various legal and judicial problems
• Providing the graduates with the skills that link the latest updates in law to the legislative and jurisprudential trends of various legal schools to meet the needs of economic and social development

ouncil of Ministers No. (1142) of 1976 specifying the colleges and institutes affiliated with Tanta University, including the Faculty of Law. As a result, the following planning and executive decisions were frequently issued:
- Decision of Mr. Prof. Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (656) on 9/26/1978 specifying the scientific departments in the college.
- Ministerial Resolution No. (716) dated 7/26/1981 issuing the internal regulations of the college, which includes the Department of Economics (specialization in economics - public finance).
- The University Council’s decision at its session on November 26, 1981, approving the start of studies at the college in the academic year 1981/1982.
- Ministerial Resolution No. (873) dated 7/27/1999 issuing the college’s internal regulations and amending them to become the Department of Economic and Financial Legislation.

Contact the department

0403452372 – 0403452373 – الموقع الالكتروني للكلية .